Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's been a long time...."

It's been quite some time since my last substantial post. Honestly, haven't really been inspired to write anything. I've been to a couple of really cool events that every broke socialite should try to worktheir way into (Chefs and the City; , MixArts at the James, ballet galas). I mean, honestly, if there is free top shelf liquor, I will find my way, there, LOL.

More importantly, I realize it's been a year since I began to transform my life to honestly just be a better friend, daughter, sister, Christian...overall better person.

I was doing pretty good for awhile, sometimes a**hole, crazy socialite would show up for a special appearance, but no irreputable harm was done (at least I don't think : /).

Recently, however, I'm feeling kind of lost again. Not lost like a wandering soul, causing trouble (though I did a bit of recently, but gives me and my friends a good chuckle), but like whatever "gifts" have bestowed within in me, really are not being used correctly.

This blog was suppose to about all the cool, free places I go and no disrespect to those places and invites, but I'm kind of jaded. How is drinking overly priced, newly launched liquor going to help those in need (a**hole comment alert: it does help my pocketbook though)?

So, since its been a year since I basically "lost my mind to find a new one", I need to challenge myself to get back on track. Not sure how many Hip-Hop heads read this, but if you don't know, "the overweight lover" Heavy D just passed (sidenote: title of the post is a Rakim nod), but his last tweet (fyi: I HATE TWITTER. No point of following me because I personally don't really tweet) was "Be Inspired". That is what I realized I lost, inspiration. After reading that though, I feel it creeping back. So, what I need to do next to be inspired, still trying to figure that out (going wwoof"ing" (thanks guy across the hall) in Europe or just honestly starting my own non-profit helping young girls find/retain self-esteem (yes, I blame boys)), but know this is the time for me to something.

Ok, ok, I'm still going to go to fancy events (yes, I'm a hypocrite, but damn it, I like to drink and take pictures), but know I need to expand myself further than that.

So, here's to another 365 days of trying to figure out what the hell to do with my life (sidenote: really proud of myself I didn't curse horrifically in this post, trying to work on my sailor mouth as well. so difficult with so many idiots around).

Let's end on good note with my new favorite video (this ish should get you and me inspired):

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Epic Rockstar Weekend For FREE 99

Hi all,

Okay, okay, it's been forever since I posted (lots of stuff going on, but more importantly, just lazy), but as my good friend said "This is the epitome of your blog site". So, this one is going to be short and sweet. Please note, I've actually done some other cool stuff, probably should post about that as well....

Topline info:
- Lollapalooza 2011: Aug 3-5
       - Cee-Lo Green, Deadmaus, Foo Fighters, Eminem, Kid Cudi and lots more
- Hard Rock Hotel (Miami Oasis and Express Rocks lounges) During the day time hours Aug 3-5
       -flowing vodka, Qdoba, massages, facials, designer sunglasses, etc
- Belve afterparty (W Hotel)
     - more flowing vodka

Cost of all this to The Broke Socialite: M'NFN FREEEEEEEEEEEEE

Ok, enough with the bragging. I had an EPIC weekend. It amazes me how I get all this stuff for free. Basically, I really was just suppose to go the parties (hey free booze is enough to make this socialite happy), but low and behold, my charming personality (hahahahahaha) scored me a free 3-day pass to concert from some man (to be nice, he's actually turned out to be nice) but BEST yet, after he gave me the ticket...HE LEFT ME THE HELL ALONE. Now that's what I call a amazing weekend (having to put on my girlish charm kills me sometimes. Just give me my drink, food, etc and leave me alone) (and yes, totally sounds bitch-y but ladies (and some gents) can feel me on this one.

Either way, my gay husband came through on the front half, so much love to him. I had a great weekend with friends (new and old) and couldn't ask for more.

So, many highlights to this weekend, but now this one is getting lengthy.

So to sum it up, here is a clip of Deadmau5 performance from the festival (I've saw this performance in a way I never seen it before (total inside joke :))

This photo also sums up Sunday (can't believe I was covered in mud, ewww and yuck (thought I did become a hippy for a nano second)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Foreign Exchange - The Last Fall

So, my sister from another mother introduced to the group and song and I must say, it is f'ing awesome. Maybe cause I'm in a bit of funk does it sound so memorizing. Either great song and great video (slightly disturbing). Lyrics spoken so true........

01 The Last Fall by The Broke Socialite Now

The Foreign Exchange - Valediction

Another great song....can kick myself for missing them perform this live

07 Valediction by The Broke Socialite Now

Monday, May 23, 2011

It's a been awhile

Hey all,

I know it's been some time and a lot has gone on since the last post (LOTS of work travel, new apartment, PLENTY of fab events). So, I have a ton of posts that I need to get up and out.

This has definitely become an open entry into my life and the things I do and think. Nothing really profound in this particular, more of a kick in the butt for me to start writing again. My gay husband said something to me recently that open my eyes to a realization. He said "you seem real centered now". I now that doesn't really mean a lot, but it really scared the shit outta me. The fear that lies within me is when you are at peace, what comes next. It's the "what comes next" part that terrifies me. For some odd reason, I just can't envision life past peace. And maybe that's my problem, I envision peace as a short term feeling/thought/emotion etc. Now, I've never been a chaotic person (at least I don't think, you'll have to ask all my exes about that), but to be at peace, is chaos to come next? or nothing?

Life is honestly really good right now. Good with family, good with friends, getting better day by day in my relationship with God, so my confusion lies as to why I'm not doing backflips in excitement. You know, I was talking to Awesome Guy (I really need to change his name) and he said something to the effect of "I can dream big now". And as I pondered on that statement, I realized I've never truly "dreamed big". Now, here's the difference, I knew I would do amazing things, but they've all just kinda fell in my lap or just happen. My entire life has been "ok, I'm going to do...." and then I do it and it just happens. Never truly encountered an obstacle. Not saying that I want to encounter an obstacle (or is that what I'm saying, too early to confuse myself), but I've never dreamed of doing something that just seemed out of this world. Maybe that's the problem, I don't dream, I just do and maybe that minimizes my current and future goals.

I don't know. I'm sure today is just a debbie downer type day and tomorrow I'll be "Miss Assurance" again. Either way, I am glad I did this post out. Maybe now my butt will start writing again.

Leave with one of fave quotes:
"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do" - Epictetus

Hell, maybe I just need a hug

****if you can't tell, I really like cats (I know, totally weird)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Random Post

Because Valentine's Day is so far away and National Pig Out Day (i.e. Thanksgiving) is no where near, this one is for the swine lovers out there:


Friday, April 15, 2011

Update: My 40 Day Fast I'm getting tired

So, I'm coming towards the end of my fast.

This week is fruits and veggies only. Trying to do right by fast and leave it as that exactly, no processed foods, flour, grains CHESSE (or cheese, how I miss you).

Honestly, I feel like I'm struggling more this week than last. I guess last week because I knew I wasn't eating, I felt okay. This week, however, knowing that I'm only eating fruits and veggies, I AM ABSOLUTELY STARING. (Insight: I actually am not the biggest fan of veggies. Prior to fast the only veggies I would pretty much eat were broccoli, cauliflower and potates (and those were mostly fried)).

I can def feel a change in my body and mind. I def feel a sense of clarity, but I can also feel my body now kicking my a** because I'm depriving it of food.

Honestly, there are times this week when I'm just like forget it. I don't feel like praying, I don't feel like reading the Bible, I was just want to sit and veg (no pun intended) out. But, one of my good friends said something to me that I really took to heart. He said, "It's not like Jesus stop being Jesus for a day".  I thought about it for a sec...that was so true. I'm sure there are days when He was like "Ugh, all these sick people bugging and ish. I just want to take a break" (or at least that's what I would say), but he didn't. He helped all his brothers and sisters. He was tempted left and right, but knew his Father sent him for purpose and it was he needed to fulfill that purpose.

Okay, so clearly, I'm not Jesus (nor do I want to be, sounds like a tough job), but if he could deal with all  that was tossed his way, me not eating meat and cheese is nothing. At the end of the day, will this make me a better person, probably not, but it does allow me to begin my journey on building a stronger relationship with God and Jesus.

So, to all those who don't feel like doing certain things, I say it's okay (one: because I'm a believer of if you're not going to do whole-heartedly, then don't do it at all; two: Hey, He understands. Not the best excuse not to do anything, but he does). Just continue to work on yourself and how you can be a better bro or sis to the world.

Okay, onward to reading my gossip blogs (i know, i know, such a hypocrite, but He's working on me).

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update: My 40 Day Fast

So, a few people inquired how my fast was going, figured I would give an update:

So, I am currently in week 4 of my fast where I only consume liquids.

Weeks 1 - 3 were a little tough, but those were only preparing me for this week. It's amazing how things work and the things you do in spiritual preparation prepare you for obstacles or events you may come up against in your life.

Surprisingly (or not surprisingly, depending on how you look at it) I'm doing really well this week. There are times when I would rather eat my arm, but then I remember why I'm doing this, pray and mediate, and oddly (or not oddly enough) a sense of peace comes over me and I'm not hungry (not saying I'm not hungry 3 hours later, but just pray some more). Also, I'm not cranky (which I just knew I was going to be and also I  really haven't lost any weight, which I'm very surprised about, though I am a bit delirious at times, but oh well).

Either way, I'm doing better than expected. This really makes me appreciate the saying "He never gives you more than you can handle." I know if I can make it through this, it makes anything else seem obsolete and minute.

So, two more weeks to go....I'll keep you updated. Now, back to my grape G2 and Lipton tea :)

grape.jpglipton gallon.jpg

Friday, April 1, 2011

Things I like: Dave Chappelle's Making the Band

Clearly, I'm feeling GREAT (copyright Kanye) and nostalgic today (also, have nothing to rant about or offer words of inspiration ("hey it's like that sometime, this sh*ts ridiculous (copyright Yeezy again). So, whenenver I'm having a shotty day, one of my fave things to do is watch The Chappelle Show, especially the outtakes (if you haven't seen them, holler at Netflix ASAP and order).

Either way, this is one of my ultimate fave skits (there are so many, but this one touches my heart).

So, before you enjoy, here are some of my favorite lines from this skit
Wyclef: "You can either make the song or not make the song"
Dylan: "Ya too close to me, man"
Puffy: "This is 100% Cambodian breast milk"


Also, enjoy "I spit hot fire"
Fave quotes from this part of the skit:
Dylan: "I was sitting courtside at a Knicks game and Stevie Wonder saw me"
Dylan: "Five greatest rappers of all-time: Dylan, Dylan.....Dylan, Dylan, Dylan"

Videos courtesy of youtube

Thing I like: Boondocks " The Return of Stinkmeaner"

An oldie, but a goodie. I so do miss the Boondocks. So hilarious, yet so educational. This is absolutely one of my FAVE episode: The Return of Stinkmeaner. (My fave episode is really hard to find, the one where they make fun of BET, trying to find that episode is like trying to find weapons of mass destruction).

Anyhoo, thought I share this with you all. In a way, it kinda goes along with my trying to turn the other cheek transition in my life. Oh so true, def the part of diffusing a "XXX moment" (you'll get it when you watch the video.

Enjoy yo self!

Wish I could find the entire episode, but youtube finally got smart and took it off their site. :(

One of a few tricks of a Broke Socialite

Well, hello world,

Time for another post. So, I thought about it and realized the title "The Broke Socialite Now" has dual  meanings: 1). I was a broke socialite (spiritually) but I'm trying to put myself back together 2). I really am a broke socialite, hustling these "streets" for premium food and drank, lol. So, I just wanted to put that out there.

Anway, this particular post is about hustling in these "streets". Figured I'd share to tools of the trade.
GOOD READ (Yes, I know it looks long as hell, but promise the pay off is so worth it)

This particular tool can be used for both men and women (a little harder for men, but I've seen it work).

What you need:
- A mentality that "socialiting" (yes, I just made up term, work with me here) is just a game
- A big beautiful smile
- Confidence outta this world
- A solid team around you (i.e. friends who understand the game and recognize what's at stake)

So, today's lesson is how to find a someone with bottle service to get your "free" drink on.

Step 1:
Prior to entering your location, you and your team need to discuss who is the ring leader of the evening. Basically, who's feeling the "flyest" that night, who has the best attitude (this is very important, cause the stank face one of group will totally jack up the entire mission), who ready to take one for the team (ie. who's going to have to deal with the person or persons who we suckered into letting us sit at their table)

Step 2:
Once the ring leader has been decided, you and your team enter location with the attitude that "you built the m'fer and everyone there is your guest". The reason to do this is to automatically make yourself stand out. People love a confident group. PLEASE NOTE: There is a difference between walking in a room with a scowl on your face and walking into a room laughing with a huge smile. Please do the latter

Step 3:
This sort of needs to be done concurrently with Step 2. Scan the room for your "merton" (Note: I'm borrowing this word from my gay husband. There really no good definition for a merton, but kinda like the one random you meet out socializing that you probably have no intention of hanging out with again, but it's a hella funny word, so we're going to run with it).

Mertons come in all shapes and sizes:
"Too Cool For The Room" Merton: some think they are too cool for the room (don't bother with them, more than likely you're already getting ready to hold a pointless convo anyway, nothing is worse than holding a pointless convo with someone who takes themselves seriously)

"Old" Merton: This is someone who really is too damn old to be in club, but who am I to judge. If it makes you feel young, run with it. For the fellas, female Mertons are usually cool, but don't be surprised if she ask if you are looking to get married, this is not the point of free drink searching. Politely decline and run the other direction. Ladies (and other men), old male mertons usually go "daddy" on you and want to start giving you life advice. If you can tolerate, stick it out, but it's a tough one. I suggest doing an "about face" and gracefully walk to the other side of the room. Note: Old Mertons will follow you around your location, so please be aware

"Just right" Merton: This is someone who respects and understands the game. This Merton realizes that this is just a one off thing. They know you have a team of people with you and regardless of gender, they let the whole team join in on the fun. This Merton is usually really nice, can hold a decent convo, and respects that when the bottle is empty, you will leave them and they are okay with that. It's kinda like you actually feel bad, but then you remember this is a game. It's even okay to exchange contact info with Merton as this person has the potential to go from Merton to actual friend.

Note: There are many types of Mertons, these are just a few and this post is starting to turn into an essay.

Step 4:
Give eye contact to the Merton and then keep it moving. . If you followed Step 2 correctly, the Merton has already spotted you and they will seek you out. PLEASE DO NO APPROACH MERTON. This is major "no no", now you look like you're looking for a drink and the whole mission is a bust.

Step 5:
Guaranteed, the Merton will approach you and team within 5 minutes of initial contact. Once contact has been established, proceed to hold a :30 to 1 minute convo. At this point, both parties realize what the deal is and at this point, you and your team should now be escorted to the table. If this does not happen within the time frame, politely excuse yourself from convo cause current Merton is in the way of other potential Mertons who are more than excited to have you join them.

Step 6:
Walk to table, introduce yourself and team to EVERYONE at the table (random chicks or dudes (note: these ppl have a tendency to hate on newcomers, but they're just confused as to how your game is so fly. Educate, if you can), weird friend that sitting off to the side, and all others). At this point, you're pretty much good to go.

Some basic table etiqutte:
- Remember you were invited to your free drinks, however, you did not "put on this", thus you don't have the right to just start grabbing ish and pouring you, the crew and the random homies next to you a drink. Always ask, people appreciate a humble person
- Don't be afraid to walk away. If your goal was to get the crew one free round of drinks, do so and keep it moving. You gotta respect the game and the plan.
- If someone at the table or free drink area gets fiesty at the table with you or anyone in the crew, leave immediately. Someone is just hating on the game and who can blame them.

So, if you made it through this long ass post, very happy for you. Just wanted to share one of the tools of the trade of being a Broke Socialite.  It's actually really easy and if you follow these steps accordingly, you should be enjoying a free night in less than 30 minutes. Please feel free to offer additional suggestions. I'm always learning.

Now, just for ish and giggles, looking like this will not get you  a free night:

Or maybe it will, different strokes for diffent folks.

Disclaimer: You don't have to take this post seriously, really for ish and giggles, however, if you do, it really works. Enjoy yo self!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Act of Forgiveness

Mark 11:25
And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.

Boy oh boy, I've really been tested recently on this whole "forgiveness" thing. So, going through this spiritual change has been on heck of test. I'm truly trying to take everything in stride and really practice the act of forgiveness. I'm not talking about the "forgive, but never forget" forgiveness or the true, if I'm going to forgive, I'm really going to forgive and not hold it against you.

Just to give you an idea of the "tests" I've been giving on this matter, I've listed below. Mind you, I've encountered all these "tests" in the past 10 days:

1). Awesome Guy decided to tell (mind you, unprovoke, I did not ask for this info) that he is about to start dating his ex-girlfriend again. (NOTE: I really didn't have a problem with him dating the ex, the problem was we were only broken up for 10 DAMN DAYS at this point, but nevermind that)

2). Some unfortunate "brother" of ours (cause we are one big family) decided to break into my car and steal my iPod, 3 pairs of sunglasses (mind you, one of them were my really fave Bulgari sunglasses and if you know Bulgari, you know the sting in my heart (and damn pocket) that I felt)

3). So, I'm embracing this whole "sista" girl look (which I'm loving), however, this new look really shows me how "special" people can be. I've had complete strangers come and pull my hair, yell out car windows "I have a comb for you", and last but not lease "that's what my hair looks like when I wake up in the morning, I just don't know how you do it" (FYI, that is not a damn compliment).

Either way, all these acts could have made me very, very angry (if you know the old me, then you know (please re-read the "Keeping the Crazy in Check" post, you'll get it), however, I realize as I grow, I really have begin to make some turns in life. Did I totally curse the ex out (a little, but hey, I'm not perfect), but I have truly forgiven him for his mistake and we continue to move forward in establishing a "friendship" (that's a whole 'notha post), did I curse the brother who rob me, no, I prayed for him, cause he must be in dire straits, and honestly, I could re-buy all that stuff, so hopefully, it's getting him some good use and finally, for those who made comments about my hair, I prayed for them too. Honestly, when you're that lost and don't even realize the actions your doing are, well, honestly dumb, and a lesser person would have knocked your ass out for touching them, but I'm trying to grow.

Don't get me wrong, there are bits of anger that pop up when I think about those incidents, but if I were to succumb to those feelings, I wouldn't be growing the way that I should be growing spiritually. So, all I can do is pray for them and me and that one day, we can all forgive each other and maybe do some good.

Ok, I'll get from behind the pulpit now, but figured this might be of inspiration for someone cause I do believe when you hold in anger and don't forgive, it really holds you back from being the true asset to the world you are.

So, hug it out and forgive...

Things I like: Second Funniest Blogger Ever - Kid Fury

So, I had NO INSPIRATION to write a blog post last week. Just too dang tired (not too tired to get kick it though, all my Broke Socialite post coming up soon).

Either way, this is one blogger that I like to follow, Kid Fury. He just kind of rants and raves, but he is funny as sh*t. So, check out his video and if you like him, check out his blog:

This video is kind of long, but funny. The first 5 minutes had me in tears.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My 40 day fast

So, as I've mentioned in several blogpost, I'm going through a spiritual and maturing change. I'll be the first one to admit, I'm not perfect at all and will never be. However, I'm trying new things in my life I have never tried before and fasting is one of them.

Because I am such as extremist sometimes, I have to just jump right in. I've begun a fast that's considered a fast to confront destructive forces from your life (which I have a TON of). See what I have to do below:

March 9 - March 19: Eat all meals before 6 pm
March 20 - March 27: Eat only two meals a day before 6 pm
March 28 - April 2: Eat only one meal a day
April 3 - April 9: Drink only juices, water and/or tea (Note: I'm going to be so PISSED off this week, lol)
April 10 - April 16: Eat only fruits and vegetables before 6 pm
April 17 - April 23: Slowly begin to add meat to your diet

So, clearly, I'm a little scared that:  1). I'm going to lose a TON of weight I don't need to (mind you, I'm a 140 lbs at 5'8, not to bad if you ask me), 2). That I'll pass out (I'm sure this will happen) and most importanty, 3). I won't finish it.

So, bear with me all as I make my way through this. I was already annoyed and hungry by 6:05 on my first day. Any support you could offer would be great or if not, just take bets as to when I'll go off on somebody in a hungry rage (I say the week 4)

So, to happy fasting!

Snuggle Bear Under Attack Gif - Snuggle Bear Under Attack

Snuggle Bear Under Attack (damn destructive forces)
I just added this cause I thought it was funny

GIF from

The Original Charlie Sheen: Rick James

Ooohhh man, how we all loved Rick James and his stories. I can across this funny interview with him and a former Rolling Stones reporter. As we Rick loves to do, he adds his input on certain topics in life such as honesty, morality, traveling and more...

So, I present to you "Life According to Rick James"

Video courtesy of

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Shoe-gasam and hats!!!!

Ha, this is my first blog post, where I'm actually writing about what I'm suppose to write about: Going to fab, VIP events (while being a broke m'fer).

I just kinda luck out on these events. People seem to like me, so they invite me to these places (I wonder do they know that more than likely I'm not willing to go into debt for a $4,000 bag (oh well, not my prob).

Anyway, I actually made it to not one, but two events on Thursday (this speaks volumes for someone who hasn't been out in foreves).

First event was this semi exclusive after hours event at Neiman Marcus (I say semi because if you really wanted to sneak in you could). There were food stations set up with some of the best restaurants Chicago has to offer. More importantly, there were plenty of free, quality booze (if you know me, you know one way to my heart is to feed me liquor) Either way, I saw these fabolous shoes by Christian Louboutin, that I just had to share
Absolutely adorable, from the company's 2011 Spring line

The second event I visited for the evening was the small men's boutique called Shrine, which I came to adore. Clearly, not anything there me to buy, but I certainly have a love for nice quality Men's hats (not New Era or Lids type hats, c'mon son), but quality fedoras, peaked cap (think men in uniform, umm yumm) and more. So, I have a pic of just some of there hats.

They also have a nice selection of quality Italian ties

But more importantly, the cheapest thing in the store is probably the $75 tie (and that's not the quality one). Clearly, I'm not buying a tie for anyone soon (too bad Insensitive Prick/Awesome Guy), coulda had a tie :/), but I did enjoy the premium free liquor (random, I know)

Please note: This is my first post about enjoying free, fab events. I even think it's a bit disjointed, but I'll get the hang of it. So, for those who are thinking and mumbling negative comments as they read, please "LET ME BE GREAT" (in the words of poet laureate, Kanye West (please see post below)) and go kick rocks. I don't see your blog anywhere!

Why won't people let me GREAT

Oh, in the immortal words of the great Kanye West "WHY WON'T YOU LET ME BE GREAT!".

So, as you all know, I'm going through some life changes in the way I handle situations on a daily basis, how I live, etc. Yesterday, I was in bible study (sidenote: you'd be surprised how many don't know what Ash Wednesday really is or why we fast) and the teacher said something that stuck out to me. He said "You must not have faith, you must live faith". What he meant by that was, there are going to be down periods in your life (hell, your day) when you feel down, defeated and just overall negative, but that's normal and try not to let the naysayers who say "well, well, just read the bible or quote you some scripture" make you feel bad cause your having a bad day.In so many words, he said tell them to "f" out, you know what to do and keep it moving. Cause in reality, you'll feel better in few (seconds, minutes, hours, whateves)

Anyhoo, though I'm going this change, I'm still smart-ass, witty Taryn. Now, when I was my most recent relationship, people were like you change. So, it's like "okay, i'm single again, I'm back", but now if I say "Oh, (old hookup) I don't want to hang with you cause you now have a girlfriend", I'm a bitch or I get the response ("oh you got morals now"(what a bitch thing to say)  or if I make some crude joke, I get "oh, what happened to "holier than thou", "thought you were changing". Honestly, the change I'm going through cannot be made in 5 months. I mean it took me 20-something years to get the I am, it's going to take a lot longer to remove my destructive ways.

So, I'm not saying I'm changing to be better than anyone or what anyone does is wrong, I'm just changing for myself to have a more fulfilling life.

So, yes I may still drink a bottle of Jack (hey, I'm a real good time then) or I may make a smart-ass remark, but doesn't make the change in life less significant. I'm still the same person, just improved.

So, again to all those that have some smart sh*t to say..."LET ME BE GREAT" (damn, haters)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Keeping the "crazy" in check

Relationships, work, family, heck..yourself. These are a few things that can drive a mad man crazy.
(Apparently, work and ex-wives can drive you nuts (please see Charlie Sheen).

Well, recently, I've been totally having a case of the "crazies" You know, the ones where you want to jap on someone for no apparent reason or you get that itch to Facebook stalk your ex bf/gf/friend (don't act like I'm the only one).

Why this may seem like a random post, it does have a positive side to it. The "crazies" can totally inspire you (again see Charlie Sheen and his "sheenisms" or goddesses). Due to a crazy few months, I've been inspired to do things I've only talked about doing: really going natural (so long weave), making photography a "real" hobby (hello Canon E05S) and moving the hell out of the house (hello, adulthood, goodbye (homemade dinner, someone else washing your clothes, picking you up, etc)(yea, I'm a spoiled brat). Being "crazy" has also made me realize there are certain things I want to do in my life and I really need to take control of them, one of them getting down and dirty and really helping people.

So, anyhoo, point is, when you feel your about to have a case of the "crazies", turn that self-destructive moment into something positive (better than busting up your ex's window with a 40 ounce (not saying that I did ;)). Also, don't be afraid to talk to people on your down moments (just don't talk to that crazy friend, cause they'll encourage you (again, see hypothetical 40 ounce story above)). You never know, what you may view as a crazy moment, may be of inspiration to someone else.

All else fails, you could rid yourself of the "crazies" like this person:

The Definitive Charlie Sheen Is F*cking Crazy Gif

See how well it worked for "Colonel Winning" here

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Case of the Tuesdays

Man, I got a case of Tuesdays. I feel Tuesdays are the worst. Monday, you mentally prepare for on Sunday. Wednesday is hump day. Thursday is almost Friday. And Friday is "time to get it in" day. But Tuesday??? It's like the equivalent of being a Sophomore in High School. You really don't have ish to look forward to (maybe a driver license, if you're smart enough to pass on the first try), but that's about it.

Anyway, I'm a bit of a nerd, and dumb ish like below really make me laugh. Now, I'm know new to this blogging thing and I wanna talk about "deep, serious issues", but fudge it. The below is my inspiration to make it through the day (yes, it did inspire this blog post. Don't like it, go kick rocks). Anyway, hope this spices up your day, like it did mine (damn cat). Enjoy yo self!

3 Que Cats

FYI: Feel free to use the GIF when you're totally having a What the F*CK moment.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Things that matter to me: Breakthrough Urban Ministries

In the middle of 2009, I was introduced to this organization called Breakthrough Ministries. I didn't know a lot about it besides it was shelter located on the Westside of ChiCity (which is scary, scary place (not really, that's just the snobby Southsider in me coming out).

Anyhoo, a dear friend of mine, who has volunteered with the organization for many years, was leaving a job post there and tried to get me a hook-up on a job. While visiting, a group of potential volunteers went on a tour of facilities (I use the term loosely, it's not like it's a college campus). On the tour, we saw the two facilities that house those in dispair and crisises (one for women, the other for men). Though I went there trying to get a hook-up on job, it really impacted me. See, while I've done volunteer service before, it was just that: volunteering. That volunteering was more like a "wham, bam thank ma'am (or sir) (whatever floats your boat). Here, I felt some type of connection (mind you, I hadn't volunteered yet, so what connection I felt, who knows). While I felt that connection, it still took me some time to finally dedicate my time to the organization. For some odd reason, I was against volunteering anywhere but the Southside, guess my allegiance, but I couldn't find an organization that really spoke to me. Then I realized that was problem, I didn't just want to "volunteer", I wanted to be a part of something bigger. Finally, after some serious consideration (and some anonymous donations), I decided "woman" up and go help at Breakthrough.

I spend my time helping those trying to find their way back into the workforce: Reviewing resumes, mock interviews, helping write cover letters, etc. While this might be boring and mundane for some, I find this extremely interesting (and may I say, fun, errr). It's not the reviewing resumes part, but the part of working with my brothers and sisters who are at a low period in life, gain some self confidence and new skills. Not only am I helping them, but they're helping me. As much as I complain about not getting paid enough or I can't find my next fabulous job in PR, a lot of these people are just trying to get a job at the local grocery store. Everyone comes from so many walks of life: some never finished high school, others hold Master's degree, but along the way, got off track. Being here really makes me realize how blessed I really am and more so, that I should not judge others because at the end of the day, we all started at the same place and just got off track somewhere. I use to have a really elitist mind-set, but now I value different ideals and beliefs. As long as I'm working side by side with my fellow brothers and sisters, I'm a happy camper. I can proudly say, I may be broke financially (ain't that the truth), but I'm not broke spiritually (not anymore, at least).

I could continue my rant, but I've gone on too long (my colleague told me post should be no longer than 400 words, scrap that (sidenote: I curse like a sailor, so trying to make a habit of substituting my bad words, hey no one said you have to perfect to work in PR).

To learn more about Breakthrough, check out their website:

To end, here's a snippit of Dr. King's speech "I've been to the Mountaintop":

.....The first question that the [religious man] ... asked was, "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?" But then the Good Samaritan came by. And he reversed the question: "If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"
That's the question before you tonight. Not, "If I stop to help the sanitation workers, what will happen to my job." Not, "If I stop to help the sanitation workers what will happen to all of the hours that I usually spend in my office every day and every week as a pastor?" The question is not, "If I stop to help this man in need, what will happen to me?" The question is, "If I do not stop to help the sanitation workers, what will happen to them?" That's the question.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why This Ish Is Not Okay: Advertisements for swishers

You know, I am not a perfect person. I have definitely done my share to not uphold the Black community (i.e. bascially making my parents invest in tons and tons of Tommy Hilfiger (i.e. the overalls with the logo on straps) or throwing my meat and cheese dorito bag on the ground (you know, the kind you go to the corner store to get for $1). Either way, I have grown-up (not completely) and some of the things I see in the "hood" that I use to overlook, I can no longer overlook.

One day I woke and all of a sudden was very militant (I'm thinking I should get a fun beret to match), I the ish I see being advertised to my community actually makes me physically sick. I mean, besides living in a "food desert" (look it up), where I can only find deep fried gyros and KFC, my eyes, along with the eyes of good citizens and young children are being assaulted buy advertisements for "swishers". (Note: I don't care how you get down with the "ohh weee", just keep it to yourself in the privacy of your own home, car, office (i guess if you are big time like that).

Everyday, on my way to work, I see the following: the local grocery store preparing for the day, a crossing guard helping school children cross the street and directly  to my left, a BIG A** sign selling "white tees" for $1, swisher 2 for $1 or a pack for $3. I'm at a lost, I just don't know what to do. When you head up North, you don't see these "types" of advertisements being so blantantly advertised. You don't see this in hipster Wicker Park (yea, you might see a smoke shop, but clearly we know children are not frequenting these stores like they are the local "hood" store to get milk for their house (or real talk, some laffy taffys)).
That wasn't even the one the blew me away (no pun intended), someone actually had the audacity to name their M'FN store "Swishers and Sweets". REALLY? "SWISHER AND DAMN SWEETS" How can an alderman/woman allow that? How can we as residents allow something so blatant to be placed into our neighborhoods?

Now, my people, this is not an issue of race, color or creed, this is an issue of helping your fellow brothers and sisters, clean up our neighborhoods because in some way we are all affected. Now, I'm new to this whole militant thing, so I need your help. Typing and complaining behind this computer board does nothing, but I'm looking to suggestions on how to be heard and have this assault on my eyes (and others) removed. I don't know about you, but if this is what we find acceptable, then imagine what the youth find acceptable (and believe these young kids are nothing to play with nowadays).

So, I ask "What should I (we) do?"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Things I'm trying to learn (more about): World Affairs: Libya

I view myself as a pretty smart girl (I'm a huge fan of Jeopardy and read everyday, lol), but I'm beginning to take more of an interest in world affairs. I'm not here to preach or act like I know more than I claim, but I do know the protests in Northern Africa and the Middle East are going to implement some huge social and economical policy changes around the world. I also know Moammar Gadhafi is crazy as hell! Who ambushes their own citizens in the middle of night and bombards them in their place of sanctuary (well, I can think of a few times here in the USA, where "authority" has committed similar acts, but I disgress)

Anyway, here's a link to an article I came across that gives you some brief history on  Moammar Gadhafi  and his 41 year reign in Libya:

If you have more to offer, comment. I like learning (sometimes)

NOTE: I would suggest you do your own research as this is only one source
NOTE 2: I realize this is called "The Broke Socialite Now" not the "Talking Head", but these are things that interest and I want to talk about and hold discussions on. Promise the socializing will come soon enough :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Things I like:Variance by AEther

11 Variance by AEther

Okay, I'm about to get off my music kick posts, but just had to post this song. Absolutely, love it. I'm learning a lot more about AEther and the more I learn and listen the more I like. Enjoy yo self!

FYI: Yes, for you new skool R&B lovers, Trey "Wack" Songz did use this beat. Did you really think he could come up with a beat so sensual. Yea, right.

Things I like: Mexican Institute of Sound

Song: Devil Mental

I was recently introduced to the Mexican Institute of Sound. Now, I don't consider myself a music aficionado, but I know what I like and I like this. Enjoy yo self (yes, I meant to type that)!

Wiki (one of my fave sites): Mexican Institute of Sound (MIS; or Instituto Mexicano Del Sonido in Spanish) is an electronic music project created by Mexico City-based DJ and producer Camilo Lara. By day, Lara is the president of EMI Mexico and at night he is mastermind of M.I.S. Along with groups like Nortec Collective and Kinky, M.I.S. is part of a growing Mexican electronica movement, encouraging fusions of folk and more traditional music with modern sounds.

Things I like: Lil Kenny and the $he-Bangs

I like dance music a lot, especially underground dance music. I found this song back in '09 and it's still one of my faves. Best way to describe Lil Kenny and the $he-Bangs...... hmmm, they're like going to a disco, pretty out of your mind and having a blast. Yup, I'm going to go with that description. Enjoy yo self! Straight to youre head 01 by The Broke Socialite Now

The Power of God and ppl he places in your life

Anyhoo, as some of you may or may not know, I can be a very private person. This is probably the most public I've been about myself ever. Anyway, I will preface this post with this statement: I'm not here to put anyone on blast (never been my style, never will and it comes back to you). So, as I mentioned before, I'm a very private person, but sometimes if you don't share your story, you never know who is/was in the same situation as you. So, onto the point....

To make a long story short (cause real talk, who wants to read a long a** post, not me) I was in a serious relationship for many years of my young life (yes, yes I know, so many more years to go) and unfortunately that didn't really pan out as planned. Now, don't get me wrong, I love being a single gal, my patience is WAY TOO LOW with men and it takes a lot to get my attention. So, I was single for several years (swinging single, but not the swinging part, it's not like that) and happy as could be cause I had my friends (pointless of naming them). Well, towards the middle of 2010, I became extremely unhappy with my current situation: (I wasn't being fulfilled spiritually, I think I was running away from God and his Son), (Still in the LONG relationship, running in circles) and (the job where I was at was not fulfilling me). I tried to do things that I thought would make me happy (working out, dating (ugh, what a time waster), shopping (now paying for that). Anyway, to make a long story short, I basically had a mental breakdown (that's what I'm calling it, forget what you say). Now, what I did next surprised me and I've never really done this before: I got down on my knees, crying my heart out so loud my mom could hear me from the next room (she thought it was the TV, geez), and prayed to God to give me a partner (I didn't neccesarily ask for a boyfriend, cause they are way too much trouble), to grow spiritually with me. Well, low and behold, God actually heard me (now, that some crazy ish, scared the hell (no pun intended) outta me) and I met Awesome Guy the next day (which is what we will call him moving forward)

(Cause I know you probably have 30 minute lunch, let me fast forward) After a brief courtship, “Awesome Guy” and I broke up (none of your business why, but just know he is still an awesome guy in my book). Either way, my friends have really been there for me during this period. I could have went into a “whoa (sp), is me” type attitude (not very attractive, btw), but knowing that I have their love and support and that God placed them in my life is more of a blessing than I could ever have asked for. So, with that being said, I just wanted to say that God hears you and he places people in your life for certain reasons. Now, they may not be the reasons you expect (or prefer), but know God has a plan (ik, cliché, but you can go kick rocks if you don’t like it) and that the people in your life are there for a reason, so appreciate HIM and them at the same time.

FYI: I know this post kinda got cut off, but if you want to know the rest, you know how to find me (and no, I’m not going into detail about my relationship, you nosey bastards). This is only meant as testimony for God and inspiration for those who need it. So, wanted to get that off my chest, on the fun stuff

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A New Day

So, this is my first blog post ever. I've been so anti-blogs for so long. Everyone has a blog, whether it be about traveling, food, parenting, etc, it seems everyone has something say, so who cares what I have to say. That's pretty odd coming from me. Most people view me as outspoken and witty (which I would say I am), but I also have a tendency to not say anything (I'm a staunch believer in "spoke when spoken to and when spoken to, still don't speak (thanks DT :)), but now I feel like speaking.

So, when I did decide to join the blog movement, I went back and forth on what I should write about. I mean, all blogs serve a specified purpose, right? So, I thought why don't I start of Macaroni and Cheese blog (I promise I'm not a fat girl, just a anything with cheese enthusiast) (also, don't get me wrong, there will be some mac and cheese reviews on this thing, just have to do it). Then I slightly considered a celeb blog, but then thought "naw, there's enough of those and at the end of the day I could give two big sh*ts about celebs (hey, they only way to really impress me if you're a celeb is to pay off my college loans). So, finally I thought what's the one topic I know best: How to be a broke socialite.

I'm young, I would say pretty (promise I'm not THAT vain), funny, people seem to like me and I get invited to a lot of really cool events. I'm also pretty broke (yea, I have a job where I make $40K plus, but hell after taxation in IL, student loans, car note ("Fake it til I make" copyright my Finance teacher in college), gym membership, going out, I'm about $100 away from putting on some clear heels (just joking, sort of)). So, figured I write from the vantage point of being a broke socialite.

I'm actually really excited about this as I have had some major events happen in my life as of recent that will make for a pretty interesting blog (born again, new self attitude, thought I found my husband (that turned out to be a bust) and more. So, as I've been so anti-blog for so long, I guess, I can say I've finally joined the masses.

Feel free to comment cause unless it's something meaningful, I could really give a damn (again, I promise I'm a nice, sweet girl. If you know, you're probably laughing because you can here my tone as I write this). So, onwards to keeping up with this thing (I hate ppl who blog once every blue moon, just delete the damn thing) and to great stories about my nightlife outings (with the person who I probably should marry, to bad he likes peen), my journey back to God, and how being me can be so great (and sh*tty) at the same time.

So, cheers!