Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Power of God and ppl he places in your life

Anyhoo, as some of you may or may not know, I can be a very private person. This is probably the most public I've been about myself ever. Anyway, I will preface this post with this statement: I'm not here to put anyone on blast (never been my style, never will and it comes back to you). So, as I mentioned before, I'm a very private person, but sometimes if you don't share your story, you never know who is/was in the same situation as you. So, onto the point....

To make a long story short (cause real talk, who wants to read a long a** post, not me) I was in a serious relationship for many years of my young life (yes, yes I know, so many more years to go) and unfortunately that didn't really pan out as planned. Now, don't get me wrong, I love being a single gal, my patience is WAY TOO LOW with men and it takes a lot to get my attention. So, I was single for several years (swinging single, but not the swinging part, it's not like that) and happy as could be cause I had my friends (pointless of naming them). Well, towards the middle of 2010, I became extremely unhappy with my current situation: (I wasn't being fulfilled spiritually, I think I was running away from God and his Son), (Still in the LONG relationship, running in circles) and (the job where I was at was not fulfilling me). I tried to do things that I thought would make me happy (working out, dating (ugh, what a time waster), shopping (now paying for that). Anyway, to make a long story short, I basically had a mental breakdown (that's what I'm calling it, forget what you say). Now, what I did next surprised me and I've never really done this before: I got down on my knees, crying my heart out so loud my mom could hear me from the next room (she thought it was the TV, geez), and prayed to God to give me a partner (I didn't neccesarily ask for a boyfriend, cause they are way too much trouble), to grow spiritually with me. Well, low and behold, God actually heard me (now, that some crazy ish, scared the hell (no pun intended) outta me) and I met Awesome Guy the next day (which is what we will call him moving forward)

(Cause I know you probably have 30 minute lunch, let me fast forward) After a brief courtship, “Awesome Guy” and I broke up (none of your business why, but just know he is still an awesome guy in my book). Either way, my friends have really been there for me during this period. I could have went into a “whoa (sp), is me” type attitude (not very attractive, btw), but knowing that I have their love and support and that God placed them in my life is more of a blessing than I could ever have asked for. So, with that being said, I just wanted to say that God hears you and he places people in your life for certain reasons. Now, they may not be the reasons you expect (or prefer), but know God has a plan (ik, cliché, but you can go kick rocks if you don’t like it) and that the people in your life are there for a reason, so appreciate HIM and them at the same time.

FYI: I know this post kinda got cut off, but if you want to know the rest, you know how to find me (and no, I’m not going into detail about my relationship, you nosey bastards). This is only meant as testimony for God and inspiration for those who need it. So, wanted to get that off my chest, on the fun stuff

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