Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Update: My 40 Day Fast

So, a few people inquired how my fast was going, figured I would give an update:

So, I am currently in week 4 of my fast where I only consume liquids.

Weeks 1 - 3 were a little tough, but those were only preparing me for this week. It's amazing how things work and the things you do in spiritual preparation prepare you for obstacles or events you may come up against in your life.

Surprisingly (or not surprisingly, depending on how you look at it) I'm doing really well this week. There are times when I would rather eat my arm, but then I remember why I'm doing this, pray and mediate, and oddly (or not oddly enough) a sense of peace comes over me and I'm not hungry (not saying I'm not hungry 3 hours later, but just pray some more). Also, I'm not cranky (which I just knew I was going to be and also I  really haven't lost any weight, which I'm very surprised about, though I am a bit delirious at times, but oh well).

Either way, I'm doing better than expected. This really makes me appreciate the saying "He never gives you more than you can handle." I know if I can make it through this, it makes anything else seem obsolete and minute.

So, two more weeks to go....I'll keep you updated. Now, back to my grape G2 and Lipton tea :)

grape.jpglipton gallon.jpg

1 comment:

  1. So the praying actually makes you forget about the hunger...its also surprising that you haven't lost any weight. keep it up!
