Thursday, March 3, 2011

Keeping the "crazy" in check

Relationships, work, family, heck..yourself. These are a few things that can drive a mad man crazy.
(Apparently, work and ex-wives can drive you nuts (please see Charlie Sheen).

Well, recently, I've been totally having a case of the "crazies" You know, the ones where you want to jap on someone for no apparent reason or you get that itch to Facebook stalk your ex bf/gf/friend (don't act like I'm the only one).

Why this may seem like a random post, it does have a positive side to it. The "crazies" can totally inspire you (again see Charlie Sheen and his "sheenisms" or goddesses). Due to a crazy few months, I've been inspired to do things I've only talked about doing: really going natural (so long weave), making photography a "real" hobby (hello Canon E05S) and moving the hell out of the house (hello, adulthood, goodbye (homemade dinner, someone else washing your clothes, picking you up, etc)(yea, I'm a spoiled brat). Being "crazy" has also made me realize there are certain things I want to do in my life and I really need to take control of them, one of them getting down and dirty and really helping people.

So, anyhoo, point is, when you feel your about to have a case of the "crazies", turn that self-destructive moment into something positive (better than busting up your ex's window with a 40 ounce (not saying that I did ;)). Also, don't be afraid to talk to people on your down moments (just don't talk to that crazy friend, cause they'll encourage you (again, see hypothetical 40 ounce story above)). You never know, what you may view as a crazy moment, may be of inspiration to someone else.

All else fails, you could rid yourself of the "crazies" like this person:

The Definitive Charlie Sheen Is F*cking Crazy Gif

See how well it worked for "Colonel Winning" here


  1. You go, girl! I try to keep my crazy in check, but I have a feeling that one day I am gonna explode on a mo-fo....and inspire a lost soul in the process.

    Sent from Houston, TX
