Friday, February 25, 2011

Why This Ish Is Not Okay: Advertisements for swishers

You know, I am not a perfect person. I have definitely done my share to not uphold the Black community (i.e. bascially making my parents invest in tons and tons of Tommy Hilfiger (i.e. the overalls with the logo on straps) or throwing my meat and cheese dorito bag on the ground (you know, the kind you go to the corner store to get for $1). Either way, I have grown-up (not completely) and some of the things I see in the "hood" that I use to overlook, I can no longer overlook.

One day I woke and all of a sudden was very militant (I'm thinking I should get a fun beret to match), I the ish I see being advertised to my community actually makes me physically sick. I mean, besides living in a "food desert" (look it up), where I can only find deep fried gyros and KFC, my eyes, along with the eyes of good citizens and young children are being assaulted buy advertisements for "swishers". (Note: I don't care how you get down with the "ohh weee", just keep it to yourself in the privacy of your own home, car, office (i guess if you are big time like that).

Everyday, on my way to work, I see the following: the local grocery store preparing for the day, a crossing guard helping school children cross the street and directly  to my left, a BIG A** sign selling "white tees" for $1, swisher 2 for $1 or a pack for $3. I'm at a lost, I just don't know what to do. When you head up North, you don't see these "types" of advertisements being so blantantly advertised. You don't see this in hipster Wicker Park (yea, you might see a smoke shop, but clearly we know children are not frequenting these stores like they are the local "hood" store to get milk for their house (or real talk, some laffy taffys)).
That wasn't even the one the blew me away (no pun intended), someone actually had the audacity to name their M'FN store "Swishers and Sweets". REALLY? "SWISHER AND DAMN SWEETS" How can an alderman/woman allow that? How can we as residents allow something so blatant to be placed into our neighborhoods?

Now, my people, this is not an issue of race, color or creed, this is an issue of helping your fellow brothers and sisters, clean up our neighborhoods because in some way we are all affected. Now, I'm new to this whole militant thing, so I need your help. Typing and complaining behind this computer board does nothing, but I'm looking to suggestions on how to be heard and have this assault on my eyes (and others) removed. I don't know about you, but if this is what we find acceptable, then imagine what the youth find acceptable (and believe these young kids are nothing to play with nowadays).

So, I ask "What should I (we) do?"

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