Friday, April 15, 2011

Update: My 40 Day Fast I'm getting tired

So, I'm coming towards the end of my fast.

This week is fruits and veggies only. Trying to do right by fast and leave it as that exactly, no processed foods, flour, grains CHESSE (or cheese, how I miss you).

Honestly, I feel like I'm struggling more this week than last. I guess last week because I knew I wasn't eating, I felt okay. This week, however, knowing that I'm only eating fruits and veggies, I AM ABSOLUTELY STARING. (Insight: I actually am not the biggest fan of veggies. Prior to fast the only veggies I would pretty much eat were broccoli, cauliflower and potates (and those were mostly fried)).

I can def feel a change in my body and mind. I def feel a sense of clarity, but I can also feel my body now kicking my a** because I'm depriving it of food.

Honestly, there are times this week when I'm just like forget it. I don't feel like praying, I don't feel like reading the Bible, I was just want to sit and veg (no pun intended) out. But, one of my good friends said something to me that I really took to heart. He said, "It's not like Jesus stop being Jesus for a day".  I thought about it for a sec...that was so true. I'm sure there are days when He was like "Ugh, all these sick people bugging and ish. I just want to take a break" (or at least that's what I would say), but he didn't. He helped all his brothers and sisters. He was tempted left and right, but knew his Father sent him for purpose and it was he needed to fulfill that purpose.

Okay, so clearly, I'm not Jesus (nor do I want to be, sounds like a tough job), but if he could deal with all  that was tossed his way, me not eating meat and cheese is nothing. At the end of the day, will this make me a better person, probably not, but it does allow me to begin my journey on building a stronger relationship with God and Jesus.

So, to all those who don't feel like doing certain things, I say it's okay (one: because I'm a believer of if you're not going to do whole-heartedly, then don't do it at all; two: Hey, He understands. Not the best excuse not to do anything, but he does). Just continue to work on yourself and how you can be a better bro or sis to the world.

Okay, onward to reading my gossip blogs (i know, i know, such a hypocrite, but He's working on me).

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