Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A New Day

So, this is my first blog post ever. I've been so anti-blogs for so long. Everyone has a blog, whether it be about traveling, food, parenting, etc, it seems everyone has something say, so who cares what I have to say. That's pretty odd coming from me. Most people view me as outspoken and witty (which I would say I am), but I also have a tendency to not say anything (I'm a staunch believer in "spoke when spoken to and when spoken to, still don't speak (thanks DT :)), but now I feel like speaking.

So, when I did decide to join the blog movement, I went back and forth on what I should write about. I mean, all blogs serve a specified purpose, right? So, I thought why don't I start of Macaroni and Cheese blog (I promise I'm not a fat girl, just a anything with cheese enthusiast) (also, don't get me wrong, there will be some mac and cheese reviews on this thing, just have to do it). Then I slightly considered a celeb blog, but then thought "naw, there's enough of those and at the end of the day I could give two big sh*ts about celebs (hey, they only way to really impress me if you're a celeb is to pay off my college loans). So, finally I thought what's the one topic I know best: How to be a broke socialite.

I'm young, I would say pretty (promise I'm not THAT vain), funny, people seem to like me and I get invited to a lot of really cool events. I'm also pretty broke (yea, I have a job where I make $40K plus, but hell after taxation in IL, student loans, car note ("Fake it til I make" copyright my Finance teacher in college), gym membership, going out, I'm about $100 away from putting on some clear heels (just joking, sort of)). So, figured I write from the vantage point of being a broke socialite.

I'm actually really excited about this as I have had some major events happen in my life as of recent that will make for a pretty interesting blog (born again, new self attitude, thought I found my husband (that turned out to be a bust) and more. So, as I've been so anti-blog for so long, I guess, I can say I've finally joined the masses.

Feel free to comment cause unless it's something meaningful, I could really give a damn (again, I promise I'm a nice, sweet girl. If you know, you're probably laughing because you can here my tone as I write this). So, onwards to keeping up with this thing (I hate ppl who blog once every blue moon, just delete the damn thing) and to great stories about my nightlife outings (with the person who I probably should marry, to bad he likes peen), my journey back to God, and how being me can be so great (and sh*tty) at the same time.

So, cheers!

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