Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Christmas In August...Lollapalooza time!!!!

My people, my people....

If you know me, there are very few things in life that get me excited: free drinks (should I be sad about this?), delish food and LOLLAPALOOZA time in Chicago!!!

Seriously, it's like Christmas in August. Awesome music, funky hipsters (and yes, I mean this literally), and darn fantastic parties. My friends and I literally countdown for this weekend every year. I think we were five seconds from exploding prior to getting our invites to parties (damn, bloggers and their privilege ways).

Well, I was lucky enough to be invited to several exclusive parties over the weekend, so lots to report on  (ahh, to be a broke socialite, cause you already know how I feel about paying to get into parties....totally unnecessary).

First place we sashayed to was the Rolling Stone magazine party at Studio Paris. Oh man, was this a good one. Rolling Stone literally rolled out the red carpet at this one. Belvedere was flowing (a little too much for me :)), the food was plentiful (um, crab legs, anyone) and the company was pretty good. I wasn't neccessarily in love with the band selection, but the DJ duo of Cosmic Kids was sick! Any DJ that plays Stardusts' "Music Sound Better With You" has a special place in my heart. Needless to say, had too much of great time at this party, had to call it an early night.

CK One Powder/Bronzer duo
After some well needed sleep (and a big bottle of Gatorade), on Saturday, we made our way back down to the Rolling Stone party for Day 2 of Lolla World Tour (yes,  I know, lame, but going with it). We def had superb time, but knew it was time to make our way to the party we've been talking about for the past 365 days, the It's So Miami Oasis party at the Hard Rock hotel. This party really is like a vacation away from the Lolla madness outside (standing next to some smelly 19-year old is not my idea of fun, sorry). So, I went with GH (you know who you are) and few other friends and indulged in the fab opps at the party. CK One was one of the sponsors and a wonderfully, beautiful  good one at that. Manicures galore (they flew in manicurists from NY, that's how serious it was) and a layout of make-up that would make the baddest drag queen mad (yes, I did cop the powder/bronzer duo, along with the mascara (which I adore btw)). After our mani session, we headed to some of the gifting suites, where I was able to snag this neon pink watch from Nico Lives (yes, you should get one, only $15 and you'll be ahead of the trend, trust). Like all good things, however, parties must come to an end, as this one wrapped at 6 PM. Minor note: I will say the other highlight of my day was hanging out with my new friend, chef extraordinaire, Mr. Table 52 (google it and the mac and cheese). Man, I thought I could hang, but he totally outdid me.

Childish Gambino at CK One presents Rock The Vote Nights
(photo courtesy of LFB Media Group)
While I did say all good things must come to an
end, guess what....they
start back up again! We headed back to the Hard Rock at 10 PM but this time for CK One presents Rock The Vote Nights (you know it's an election year, kiddies, have to engage the youngins' and excite them about voting). They had some pretty solid performances both Saturday and Sunday night, but my personal favorite were DJ sets from Talib Kweli and Childish Gambino. While neither performed at the venue, both put on a decent set (well, CG may need to keep practicing, no shade cause I was super excited to meet him. Actually, he walked right past me, thought about shouting his name, but that's hood.....right?). Again, the drinks were flowing, but as I learned my lesson on Friday, I stuck to Coors beer the entire night (hey, I had to drink something, right).

You all know I'm trying to limit my ranting, so all in all, I had a pretty solid weekend. Seriously, how could I complain: manicure (with a color that I adore), jukin' to Talib Kweli and crab legs (yes, I know, I'll stop drooling over this), I would say I had a winning weekend.  Until next year....365, 364, 363.....

Talib Kweli at CK One presents Rock The Vote Night
(photo courtesy of LFB Media Group)

Fab CK One manicure (color: Romper Room)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Things I like: The Burning Ear

Morning, kids,

I have a raging headache and I'm slightly annoyed (w/ those we do not speak of at the moment), but the one thing that makes me happy is MUSIC (cue Madonna song; credit to site).

I often venture to this great website called The Burning Ear, which features AWESOME (pretty new music) everyday. Lots of remixes to some great songs.

The owners of the TBE describes the site as such "The Burning Ear is a music blog for people who don’t have time for music blogs. TBE sifts through tons of new music and bring the best of the best right here. TBE focuses on new music but we aren’t about the bleeding edge, the next big thing, or the “new” new (There are plenty other music blogs for that). "

The other great thing about the site is that you can download the songs you here for FREE (um hmm, duh, The Broke Socialite Now for a reason). So, open you ears and on your down time take a listen.

My song of the moment from the site: Frank Ocean: Pyramids

Well, back to dealing with this freaking headache...grrr

But let me leave you with video (not from The Burning Ear, but how I get down on a normal basis)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Free Dranks!!!!


Well, well, well. I haven't written an actual "I'm broke, but going out" post in sometime.

So, I'm a terrible blogger and only do it when I feel like it (Awesome Guy (yea he's back, sorta) said I only blog when I'm mad at him...partially true), but this post isn't me ranting about getting robbed or talking about how great JC (which he is btw), but I'm me getting my free drink on (that's bad to write after praising JC, but he forgives :))

On the point of the post, so I kinda got off my game a bit, but guess what, it's summer, bitches, and that means "exclusive" (I still had to wait in line 5 minutes, yea I'm a spoiled, broke brat) parties.

Either, from my grand hustling days running these Windy streets from the youthful age of 22 - 26 (I had to retire, could be the old bitch in the club), my gay husband and I met this pleasant British club manager, who took a liking to us (sure we stalked him for a free drink every time we saw him, but he was always so pleasant).

Note: I don't think I've used names in my post, but seeing that I'm promoting this ish on my social network, assuming the people can use context clues to figure who I'm talking about. If not, help yo' self (I'll give you a break if you're not sitting in Wind all day to know the scene).

I went to this new rooftop bar, which I'm sure all the who's who, wannabee, douchebags and honestly sprinkling in between, some really solid, nice people, will be the summer. It's on top of a hotel I've hung out at before (no hoe ish), and it was pretty cool. So, for easier reading, I'll break down the ambiance (sp)

They were on point. The nice, British man is a mixologist, so it was very apparent that he created the drink menu and taught his staff how to re-create this fab drinks (bless the poor bartenders who probably were working at TGIFridays before this gig, it was apparent, but they tried). My gay husband, "if i were gay" wife, and I enjoyed the rose infused drink the best. We would agreed we would come back, expect the drinks start at $15 (i.e. this is why I go free ish and why the blog is The Broke Socialite Now (hell, if I wasn't broke now, I still don't know if I'm up for paying for a $15 drink, better come, with a date and a free meal).

We went to the soft opening (cool enough to get invited to this one, but not cool enough to get invited to really private opening, lost some of "pimping" status due to taking time of to date Awesome Guy again (don't worry, that's now done and gone again), going to work on getting pimping status back). We got there early enough not have to deal with bs (not trying to wait, mad I had to wait 5). Either way, the hosts were super nice, which I appreciated (hope it stays that way). For the most part, it was def the see and be seen, crowd, but def met some really nice people. We had the best seat in house (people were made, lol), but the music was great and our waitress was super nice (hey Soundbar girl).

The only dreadful thing was the outfits the bartenders and waitresses had to wear. Because I like British guy, I won't go too hard, but damn, let's find a better seamtress next time.

Moral of the story:
I would go back for a Sunday afternoon jaunt (hopefully, can garner some free99 drinks), but would bypast any other time (getting too old for douches and thirsty chick (so says the chick who will not pay for a drink, lol).

Either way, couple of shots of our delicious drinks (and yes, we got good and drunk (gotta enjoy those free $15 drinks while you can :))

My taste-ta Rosemary drink

Outside view (this was early before it got uber packed)
Oh, do I even need a caption

Monday, June 4, 2012

Yup, I'm back

Sometimes it takes a little shake-up to get your game back. I'm back, snitches!!!!

More to come soon...

It's been awhile

Ok ok, I know it's been awhile, but it's time for me to start writing again. I'm in a new season and it's time to relish and thrive in this time. So, I'm cheating a bit as I did not write the post below, but that it would be good to share. So, take a read, hope it inspires you:

From Motivationval Messages for Spiritial Growth


“I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Lord has taken away. Praise the name of the Lord!” Job 1:21 (NLT)

A lot of us if not all can find it easy to praise God when things are going well in our lives, when all that we desire to have is in our midst we call God by many different names. When our health, success, finance, family affairs, etc. are in good terms we find it easy to call God faithful.

But can a lot of us be able to stay steadfast in the Lord when things are not that on our side and say, like Job whom even all that he had was stripped off him and he was left naked and in poor health but still could in the midst of all this affliction call God faithful?

I doubt many turn to acknowledge God in the midst of their season of prosperity as long as the season does not change God is still God in their life, but as soon as things start to go downhill priorities changes.

It doesn’t have to  be like that we need to know to praise God even if there is no food on the table, even when our health are not at their best He must still remain Jehovah El-shaddai in our live. There is a difference between praise and worship and before you can praise God you must come to worship Him first.

Praise is saying “Thank you God  that I have bread on the table for me to eat today!”, Praise is saying “Thank you God that my health is intact!”, Praise is saying “Thank you Lord that there  is peace and harmony in my family!” Praise is saying “Thank you God that all is well in my life!”

But true worship which is very hard for many of us to partake in is saying “Thank you God for this day even if I do not have any bread on the table!” True Worship is saying “Thank you God for today even if I am sick at body and my health is not intact!” True Worship is saying “I thank you God even if things are in a season of lack in my life for I know my season of abundance will come at your own time and not mine!”

Today if you believe in the Word of God and in His promise that “He will never leave you nor forsake you” you need to start showing it by praising Him even if your days seem dark.
In true fact they are no dark you just going through a season of Sabbath, which means is a season of rest which God just want you for Himself away from the busy toils of the world.

 This season that seem like a season of lack of worldly things is a season in which you must be heaping in abundances those of the spiritual for it is when we are separated from the worldly reaches that we can heap the Heavenly things!
 Today thank God for what He has given you a precious day to joy in His presence in as you begin to do that you season of abundance will be knocking in the door as a sign of God’s reward for your faithfulness!
Stay steadfast in the Lord Today keep the faith and never allow it to be shaken by circumstance for God is better than our problems more than we can begin to imagine!