Wednesday, November 9, 2011

It's been a long time...."

It's been quite some time since my last substantial post. Honestly, haven't really been inspired to write anything. I've been to a couple of really cool events that every broke socialite should try to worktheir way into (Chefs and the City; , MixArts at the James, ballet galas). I mean, honestly, if there is free top shelf liquor, I will find my way, there, LOL.

More importantly, I realize it's been a year since I began to transform my life to honestly just be a better friend, daughter, sister, Christian...overall better person.

I was doing pretty good for awhile, sometimes a**hole, crazy socialite would show up for a special appearance, but no irreputable harm was done (at least I don't think : /).

Recently, however, I'm feeling kind of lost again. Not lost like a wandering soul, causing trouble (though I did a bit of recently, but gives me and my friends a good chuckle), but like whatever "gifts" have bestowed within in me, really are not being used correctly.

This blog was suppose to about all the cool, free places I go and no disrespect to those places and invites, but I'm kind of jaded. How is drinking overly priced, newly launched liquor going to help those in need (a**hole comment alert: it does help my pocketbook though)?

So, since its been a year since I basically "lost my mind to find a new one", I need to challenge myself to get back on track. Not sure how many Hip-Hop heads read this, but if you don't know, "the overweight lover" Heavy D just passed (sidenote: title of the post is a Rakim nod), but his last tweet (fyi: I HATE TWITTER. No point of following me because I personally don't really tweet) was "Be Inspired". That is what I realized I lost, inspiration. After reading that though, I feel it creeping back. So, what I need to do next to be inspired, still trying to figure that out (going wwoof"ing" (thanks guy across the hall) in Europe or just honestly starting my own non-profit helping young girls find/retain self-esteem (yes, I blame boys)), but know this is the time for me to something.

Ok, ok, I'm still going to go to fancy events (yes, I'm a hypocrite, but damn it, I like to drink and take pictures), but know I need to expand myself further than that.

So, here's to another 365 days of trying to figure out what the hell to do with my life (sidenote: really proud of myself I didn't curse horrifically in this post, trying to work on my sailor mouth as well. so difficult with so many idiots around).

Let's end on good note with my new favorite video (this ish should get you and me inspired):